I pledge allegiance to Democracy, and to the implicit foundational principles on which Democracy is historically and logically built and which it needs to explicitly restore in order to survive currently escalating 21st Century worldwide trends of ‘Creeping Totalitarianism’ and last long-term on its foundations (I pledge allegiance to . . . The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy) . . .
Every human life without exception, without discrimination and “without distinction of any kind” is supremely and equally valuable and precious, obligating governments to protect and serve all precious humans who have “inherent . . . equal and inalienable [human] rights.” The quoted phrases are from the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights which clarifies that “recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.”
Any “exceptions” to recognizing equal Human Rights in all humans are inherently bigoted and such “exceptions” made to “justify” treating some group of humans as less-than-human have been behind all of history’s greatest injustices and atrocities (including genocides, one of history’s biggest genocides perpetrated upon the author’s ethnic group). It is the very essence of prejudice and bigotry that the bigot does not accept democracy-grounding equal human preciousness nor equal Human Rights for all humans, but instead considers that some group or groups of humans have less value, worth or rights than other humans. . .
Every human must be FREE from government coercion in matters of belief (must have Freedom of Thought/Religion, and Speech) so they can without impediment learn (and speak) the EQUAL HUMAN PRECIOUSNESS that grounds Human Rights and Democracy . . . These two principles together are the implicit underlying First Principles or logical starting point of both Human Rights and Democracy as we know it . . . [which entered Western consciousness in the 4th Century through the Christian Church]
Lasting Democracy requires full and uncompromising legal recognition of The Inherent Human Right to Live and the traditional Western belief expressed in the simple maxim killing humans is wrong, because Human Rights are for All Humans or else they are meaningless (if being human is not enough to have them). . .
Traditional Western “Pro-Human-Right-to-Live” or “Pro-Life” Family Values include and Support The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy which make governmental totalitarianism unthinkable, and must be promoted in any LASTING democracy . . . Traditional Family Values ensure every human is born into stable loving families where humans are always treated as precious human persons, never as mere objects or tools to be used (or thrown away), and raised to healthy human maturity within these stable loving families which are the building blocks of stable loving societies . . .
Lasting Democracy does not grant unqualified freedom to individual humans, but Lasting Democracy restricts individual freedom with just criminal laws which uphold The Inherent Human Right to Live and the maxim killing humans is wrong; laws which protect the Human Rights and property of other humans and encourage mature respect for all humanity which ensures that humans are always treated as precious persons not as mere tools nor objects to be used or thrown away. For lasting world peace nation-States also need to be guided by just International Laws which similarly uphold The Inherent Human Right to Live, Human Rights for All Humans and the maxim killing humans is wrong . . .
Lasting Democracy does not grant an unqualified “anything the majority asks for or accepts from the government,” but Lasting Democracy MUST hold its citizens and its politicians (and political parties and police) constitutionally accountable to The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy including the Inherent Human Right to Live and the maxim killing humans is wrong because Human Rights are for All Humans, or else genuine Democracy can easily be lost to ‘Creeping Totalitarianism’
wherein democracies (like 1930s Germany) gradually but increasingly take on the characteristics of totalitarian States (all of which deny killing humans is wrong and all of which think the government decides which humans may or may not be legally killed instead of recognizing lasting democratic government’s foundation that governments are obligated to always protect and serve always-precious human lives because Human Rights are for All Humans) (Hitler’s Nazis were democratically elected by voters who did not hold government accountable to human equality) . . .
Lasting Democracy requires that all citizens as part of their basic education as citizens of a Free Democracy be taught and know The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy which all Human Rights and democratic freedoms are historically and logically built on and cannot last without (which is why they should also be constitutionally enshrined for accountability in any democracy which wants to last). Uneducated ignorance of the foundations of Free Democracy guarantee its eventual failure. Basic Human Rights Education in The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy equips all citizens to guard and protect their own freedom even from uneducated politicians. This education makes citizens of democracies too educated to unwittingly cast votes for extremist politicians and extremist political parties who (wittingly or unwittingly) do not even uphold The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy, but who in their own uneducated ignorance may even follow the totalitarian legal human-killing precedent of the Extremist Left Atheist Soviet Communist Party which first legalized human-killing abortion, or of the Extremist Right German Nazi Party which first legalized both human-killing abortion and human-killing euthanasia (legal human-killing is of course inherently extremist). In democracies “of the people, by the people, for the people,” citizens govern themselves, through their elected representatives. This means the responsibility of governing well and maintaining Free Democracy on its historical and logical foundations ultimately rests with each citizen voter, which is why each citizen voter must be educated in Democracy’s foundations. . . Citizens cannot possibly govern themselves well and democratically, through intelligently elected representatives who govern well and avoid totalitarianism for the long-term, if neither the citizen voters nor their elected representatives even know The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy, nor are even held constitutionally accountable to uphold them . . .
Nothing could be more obvious than that holding that people are equal does not make the ideas people have equal. Ideas and opinions can be tested against objective standards like Science and Logic and established facts of History. Pro-Choice opinions are proven extremely uneducated and unintelligent opinions when tested against these standards (as well as politically dangerous to democracy, as they literally follow totalitarian precedent), as shown in the books DEMOCRACY 101; Pro-Life Equals Pro-Democracy; Killing Humans Is Wrong; and No Fruit Without Roots (and the handbook Knights of Human Rights, Ladies of Lasting Democracy). It is the historic “Pro-Life” principles of equal human preciousness without exception underlying Democracy that say that every human is equal in the first place – so “Pro-Choicers” are borrowing from what they deny when they want to have their Pro-Choice opinion treated as if it was “equal” to someone else’s Pro-Life opinion (human equality is a traditional, Judeo-Christian, “Pro-Life” assertion effectively denied by “Pro-Choicers” who believe they should have the choice to legally kill humans by abortion, effectively denying any Pro-Life, democracy-grounding Inherent Human Right to Live). But it is manifestly true that not all ideas and opinions people have are equal in value; in quality; even in conformity with objective, verifiable reality; and it is obviously the case that ideas and opinions are not equal even if humans themselves are equal in value and rights (which is a Pro-Life assertion, not a Pro-Choice one). Nothing could be more obvious than that uneducated Pro-Choice opinions are not equal with educated Pro-Life opinions. Educated Pro-Life opinions are backed up by all the most pertinent facts of Science, Logic, and Human Rights History, while Pro-Choice opinions can only be held by the uneducated, intellectually dishonest (or unintelligent), who can and do only defend legal abortion by denying established facts of Science (like that preborn humans are humans) and/or by using textbook logical fallacies of reasoning (see the above books).
To prevent poor, illogical, uneducated thinking among the population making a democracy slip gradually towards becoming a totalitarian “Police State,” and
to protect the private individual freedoms of all citizens, Lasting Democracy requires that democratic governments and their politicians and political parties and police be sworn to uphold the constitutionally-enshrined Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy as the guide of public policy, so that government public policies and laws (and police enforcement of them) are always accountable to them and never undermine the foundations of Free Democracy (no matter what uneducated, stupid, senseless or dangerous ideas and opinions may be held by some, even many, individual citizens as they exercise their individual private freedom of belief which is guaranteed only by educated and genuinely democratic public policies and laws) . . .
Core Principle: There is No Fruit Without Roots. Regardless of what percentage of a democratic country are practicing Christians, lasting democracies must minimally maintain a proper, healthy respect for Christianity as the historical root and Source of The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy. Government persecution or restriction of Christian belief or practice is a sure sign of Democracy-ending ‘Creeping Totalitarianism.’
Western Civilization was viciously brutal before Christianity, entirely lacking any concept of human equality or Inherent Human Rights. The very first Chapter of the Judeo-Christian Bible provided the West with the historical foundation of the equal human preciousness which grounds Free Democracy: In the Bible’s first Book, Genesis, Chapter 1 verse 27, the Bible declares that humans, “male and female” are equally created “in God’s Image.” The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy are also rooted in the Judeo-Christian Bible’s Commandment, “you shall not kill,” and the Biblical testimony that “God is Love” (1 John 4:8, 16). This made Love for every precious human “made in God’s Image” the highest Western value Europeans (for all their human imperfections) were motivated to strive for . . .
Lasting Democracy has a proper understanding of censorship and propaganda and uses intellectual honesty when judging the use of either. No government can avoid the use of propaganda to promote desired ideas and attitudes in the population (e.g. honest use promoting the true idea smoking is harmful; dishonest use promoting the false idea that Jews or any other group of humans are less human than others). No government can avoid the use of censorship to reduce undesirable ideas and attitudes in the population (e.g. honest use discouraging child pornography and anti-Semitism which harms humans; dishonest use censoring verifiably true facts which do not support totalitarian-oriented governments and their unscientific ideologies). Healthy democratic governments will use propaganda and censorship honestly, to promote verifiable truths that positively support democracy-grounding Equal Human Rights for All Humans and to discourage harmful untruths which are against established facts of Science or History and which do damage to human societies. Totalitarian States and unhealthy democratic governments which are unwittingly totalitarian-oriented make dishonest use of propaganda and censorship to promote totalitarian ideologies based on errors/untruths and to hide verifiably true facts that expose their errors . . .
“Pro-Life” and “Pro-Choice” mindsets are distinct ways of thinking about human life that have drastically different ultimate logical political outcomes once mature: The “Pro-Life” mindset that every human life without exception is supremely and equally precious and therefore must be free from government coercion to without impediment seek and find this truth about inherent human preciousness and inherent Human Rights logically leads ultimately towards democratic say or vote for every equally precious human. The “Pro-Choice” mindset wherein parents have the “Right to CHOOSE” to raise or KILL their own human children means humans are not inherently precious but humans can be killed when deemed inconvenient, as in any totalitarian State, which logically leads ultimately towards totalitarianism (which is why in fact the two oppressive totalitarian States which committed history’s two biggest genocides were also the first two nations to legalize abortion - before legalizing genocide. Which is why the totalitarian Soviet State which first legalized abortion in 1920 and which legalized the genocide murder of millions of this writer’s ethnicity in 1932-33 also made it illegal to speak of the legal human-killing; and which is why officially Pro-Choice political parties in this writer’s supposed democracy today have passed laws against Free Speech of Pro-Life views advocating Equal Human Rights for All Humans precisely where it is most pertinent to do so – today’s officially Pro-Choice political parties have imitated the totalitarian Soviets both in legalizing human-killing abortion and in suppressing Free Speech against legal human-killing). The Pro-Life mindset saturating a society makes governmental totalitarianism unthinkable in a way nothing else can; while the Pro-Choice mindset saturating a society makes governmental totalitarianism inevitable.
How could the Pro-Choice denial of the Inherent Human Right to Live which grounds Free Democracy, by legalizing human-killing by abortion, following the genocidal Soviet and Nazi precedents of legalizing abortion, possibly make a society more just, free or compassionate? (The Soviets and Nazis were the first to legalize abortion specifically because neither evil regime believed killing humans is wrong). Rather, the essentially Pro-Life Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy mean that unhappily pregnant women (for sympathetic or unsympathetic reasons) are equally as precious as their human babies. Thus, a “Pro-Life-minded” society that truly supports Equal Human Rights for All Humans without exceptions (since exceptions are inherently bigoted); a society that truly supports the equal human preciousness that is the very foundation of Free Democracy, a society which is thus drenched in Pro-Life thinking, will both protect preborn humans (just like every one of us at their age) in the womb, and find creative ways to assist and support unfortunate women pregnant when they do not wish to be (whether due to rare sympathetic cases like rape, or otherwise) so that these precious human women do not come to feel so desperate or devoid of options that they are tempted to commit abortions which kill their equally precious human children. Abortions which, if legal, follow totalitarian precedents and legally eradicate the Inherent Human Right to Live which is foundational to Free Democracy for all humans. But a society that foolishly and unwittingly compromises Free Democracy by following the legal human-killing precedent of the genocidal Soviets and Nazis, the two extremist political parties which were the first to legalize abortion, is naturally in very grave danger of eventually losing all pretense of Free Democracy. As proved (among other things) by the fact that this Human Rights scholar and author (and other peaceful Pro-Life Human Rights advocates) can be arrested and jailed in his country for saying “killing humans is wrong because Human Rights are for all humans;" and real doctors who follow the ancient Hippocratic Medical Tradition that doctors do not kill can lose their jobs; under current laws and policies passed by Officially Pro-Choice political parties in power. Because legal human-killing is inherently politically extremist and requires more totalitarian laws (ending Free Democracy) to keep the human-killing legal long-term.
Political “Left” and “Right” used to share the essentially Pro-Life conviction that without exception killing humans is wrong. Extreme Left Soviet Communists and Extreme Right Nazis were the first two political parties to legalize human-killing by abortion. Human Life issues are non-partisan and “Pro-Choice” vs. “Pro-Life” is NOT an issue of political “Left” vs. “Right.” “Pro-Choice” vs. “Pro-Life” is rather an issue of Fundamentally Totalitarian and Extremist Thinking that supports Human-Killing vs. Fundamentally Democratic Thinking that supports Human Protection.
In Europe in the 1920s and 1930s it was considered a matter of “opinion” and “politics” whether or not Jewish humans had equal rights with other humans. The very essence of bigotry is in not treating all humans as of equal worth; European bigots did not explicitly understand nor hold the equal human preciousness without exception implicitly underlying all Western Free Democracy. So, the Jewish humans were rounded up and killed in the millions by the bigots who did not believe in Democracy-grounding Equal Human Rights for All Humans. These Nazi bigots also arrested and jailed those who dared to speak verifiable truth about the legal human-killing, or who stood up for the humans who had been legally devalued by the government and killed in the millions. Similarly today, preborn humans have been legally devalued by the government and killed in the millions by bigots who do not believe in Democracy-grounding Equal Human Rights for All Humans. These Pro-Choice bigots have similarly passed laws that arrest and jail those who dare to speak verifiable truth about the legal human-killing, or who stand up for the inherent Human Rights of those humans who have been legally devalued by the government and killed in the millions. This author can be arrested and jailed for this in his country. Even for speaking verifiable scientific facts which do not support the policies of Pro-Choice politicians and political parties in power.
The inescapable conclusion is that: In any democratic country where it is considered a matter of “opinion” and “politics” whether or NOT one group of humans - like Jewish humans or preborn humans - have equal rights with other humans - especially an equal Human Right to Live, without which all other rights are meaningless - that country has already lost its democratic soul. That country has already lost its capacity to maintain Free Democracy long-term, and its democracy is under serious threat and cannot possibly last unless the essentially Pro-Life Equal Human Rights for All Humans mindset is restored, and the inherently bigoted (and inherently totalitarian) Pro-Choice(-to-Kill-Humans) mindset is finally abandoned by a country which truly wants Free Democracy to Last long-term - on Free Democracy’s historical and logical, Pro-Life foundations.
William Baptiste (in Intro Parts 8-10) gives a reflection on the non-partisan nature of human life issues, from his books' "Core Principle of Lasting Democracy #10 (of 10)."
The Pro-Life Mindset Saturating a Society Makes Governmental Totalitarianism Unthinkable in a Way Nothing Else Can; the Pro-Choice Mindset Saturating a Society Makes Governmental Totalitarianism Inevitable. William Baptiste as a Human Rights Scholar can be arrested and imprisoned in his country for saying "killing humans is wrong because Human Rights are for all humans" where Human Rights advocacy is most pertinent, under totalitarian laws passed by officially Pro-Choice political parties . . .
. . . in his country. Under current laws he can be arrested and jailed for speaking verifiable scientific facts supporting Equal Human Rights for All Humans, or even for "staring" at an abortion clinic within the "no-free-speech-bubble-zone" in his nation's capital. Police made it very clear that a "known Pro-Lifer" caught looking at the abortion clinic can be arrested for "disapproval of abortion" which is now illegal to show in any manner under this totalitarian "thought-police" law.
The basics of The Winning Strategy for the ‘Culture of Life’ to WIN the ‘Cultural War’ with the ‘Culture of Death,’ to Save Humanity Forever from Bigotry and ‘Creeping Totalitarianism’ is for individuals TO GET AND SPREAD AND LIVE A SOLID HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION (including the most pertinent facts of Human Rights History, Science and Logic collected in William Baptiste’s books, which demonstrate that Pro-Life=Pro-Democracy); an education including The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy and the Core Principles of Lasting Democracy (also clearly delineated in William Baptiste’s books within “The Pledge of Allegiance to Democracy”). Sharing this Human Rights Education with friends, family and elected representatives and leaders until there are enough Human-Rights-Educated voters and politicians to end abortion and save Democracy.
Educated voters do not cast uneducated votes for uneducated “Pro-Choice” politicians who do not have the foggiest clue what The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy are, nor even that politicians are literally copying extremist political policy and thinking by supporting legal abortion human-killing (first legalized by the Extremist Left Soviet Communist Party in 1920 and the Extremist Right Nazi Party in 1934 – before these two extremist governments committed the two biggest genocides in history because, as legalizing abortion proved, they just did not believe in democracy-grounding Equal Human Preciousness nor in the Inherent Human Right to Live without which all other rights are meaningless). How could denying the Inherent Human Right to Live which grounds Free Democracy, by legalizing human-killing by abortion, following the genocidal Soviet and Nazi precedents of legalizing abortion, possibly make a society more just, free or compassionate? Rather, a society which truly recognizes and supports Equal Human Rights for All Humans will both protect preborn humans (just like every one of us at their age) in the womb, and will also find (and fund) creative ways to support and assist unhappily pregnant women who are equally as precious as their human babies, so that they will not come to feel so desperate or devoid of options that they seek to commit what the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials called “a crime against humanity” by seeking a legal abortion (which the genocidal Nazis had legalized only because they did not believe killing humans is wrong).
Political change happens in two directions: from the grassroots bubbling up; or from the politicians trickling down. The more individual voters who get this solid Human Rights Education in the Science, Logic, and Human Rights History which prove Pro-Life=Pro-Democracy and spread it to other voters and to their own elected representatives and leaders, the quicker (from both directions) the West will end abortion and save Democracy from Pro-Choice ‘Creeping Totalitarianism.’
A Human-Rights-educated populace will no longer tolerate uneducated extremist human-killing Pro-Choice bigotry against fetal-age humans just like every one of us at their age, any more than they would now tolerate the equally murderous uneducated extremist human-killing Nazi Anti-Semitic bigotry against Jewish humans which likewise legally devalued one group of humans and then killed them in the millions. Nor will a Human-Rights-educated populace tolerate other forms of ‘Creeping Totalitarianism’ restricting normal democratic freedoms (of speech; conscience; religion; assembly; etc.) from uneducated (or unintelligent or evil) Pro-Choice(-to-Kill-Humans) politicians and political parties.
To Ensure LASTING Democracy in their country, educated voters who, like the original Abolitionists, believe in Equal Human Rights for All Humans (the foundation of Democracy), will like the original Abolitionists incessantly pester their governments to abolish the primary legal Human Rights abuse of their day. For the original Abolitionists, this was legal slavery of Black humans, many who died on crowded slave-ships and in unsafe plantations; for Pro-Life “New Abolitionists” today, this is the legal abortion-killing of preborn humans who have also had their equal Human Rights denied by uneducated and ignorant bigots who know nothing of The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy and little of Logic, Science, and Human Rights History. Human Rights-Educated “Democracy Pledgers” or “Knights of Human Rights and Ladies of LASTING Democracy” will petition their politicians to constitutionally enshrine some formulation of The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy in their country as a necessary requirement for LASTING Democracy.
[A much more detailed consideration of The Winning Strategy for the ‘Culture of Life’ to WIN the ‘Cultural War’ with the ‘Culture of Death,’ to Save Humanity Forever from Bigotry and ‘Creeping Totalitarianism’ is given in the author's book PRO-LIFE EQUALS PRO-DEMOCRACY. The Winning Strategy is developed at length, with the detailed historical background which makes it a "proven" strategy, in the author's book DEMOCRACY 101: A VOTER'S AND POLITICIAN'S MANUAL FOR LASTING DEMOCRACY.] Click here to get a book!
Political change happens in two directions: from the grassroots bubbling up; or from the politicians trickling down. The more individual voters who get this solid Human Rights Education in the Science, Logic, and Human Rights History which prove Pro-Life=Pro-Democracy and spread it to other voters and to their own elected representatives and leaders, the quicker (from both directions) the West will end abortion and save Democracy from Pro-Choice ‘Creeping Totalitarianism.’
William Baptiste Human Rights & Freedoms Forever!
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