Legal Slavery and Legal Abortion Are Both Fundamentally Incompatible with Democracy Since Both Deny the Equal Human Preciousness and Equal Human Rights for All Humans Which Ground Democracy. As with Slavery, Either Legal Abortion or Democracy Will END Because They are Entirely Incompatible.
To Elaborate: Legal Abortion (with its profitable Abortion Industry) is every bit as fundamentally incompatible with Democracy as Legal Slavery (with its profitable Slave Trade) was, for precisely the same reason: Both (like the Nazis) deny human rights to some humans (making “Human Rights” meaningless if not all humans have them) and both violate the same traditional Foundational Principle of Human Rights and Democracy that every human life without exception is EQUAL and PRECIOUS, which is the underlying reason Western governments stopped being oppressive and totalitarian, ended slavery and eventually gave every adult human a vote or democratic say in his or her own governance, in the first place. Legal Abortion needs to be abolished for precisely the same reason Legal Slavery did. It is fundamentally anti-human and anti-democratic.
The Slave Trade, like the Abortion Industry, profited highly from denying Human Rights to some humans, motivating great political resistance to abolishing the Slave Trade even though, like the Abortion Industry, it violated even the Inherent Human Right to Live which undergirds Democracy. Legally devalued Black humans by the tens of thousands died tightly chained together in their own waste on slave ships before they even got the chance to be slaves, at plantations with poor safety standards where many died working as slaves, just as legally devalued Jewish humans were killed in the millions in Nazi Death Camps and just as legally devalued preborn humans are today killed in the millions in abortion clinics. The original Abolitionists called for the Abolition of Legal Slavery for the sake of equal human rights for all humans which is the foundation of Democracy. “Pro-Lifers” are literally the New Abolitionists, calling for the Abolition of Legal Abortion because they are championing precisely the same Foundational Principle of Human Rights and Democracy that every human without exception – whether Black, Jewish, or preborn – has Equal Human Rights including an Inherent Human Right to Live. Only ignorance and bigotry ever denies Human Rights to some humans, and the age-bigotry of Legal Abortion is every bit as vile as the race-bigotry of Legal Slavery or Nazi Death Camps; worse, it is the bigotry against the Human Race itself, eradicating the Inherent Human Right to Live of everybody, since every one of us used to be a fetal-age human who (in the perspective of Legal Abortion) could have been legally killed at fetal age and therefore NONE OF US have any legally recognized Inherent Human Right to Live since abortion was de-criminalized. Even the Nazis, who had no illusions that they were not in fact killing humans by abortion (they did not unscientifically pretend that a fetal-age human was anything other than a human), actually valued SOME humans – the Nazis kept abortion illegal for healthy Germans whom the Nazis valued, while making abortion legal for Jews and other races considered “inferior,” and for handicapped Germans, since their Nazi bigotry considered anyone handicapped or disabled in any way to be “less valuable” than perfectly healthy human beings. Today’s Pro-Choicers are even more bigoted than the Nazis, since they do not value ANY humans enough to protect them from the start of their utterly unique human lives in the womb. To today’s Pro-Choice bigots, not even “healthy Germans” are protected from the beginning of their unique human lives; no human whatsoever has an Inherent Human Right to Live; but every single one of us humans was only “allowed” to live, in violation of the clear intention of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights to apply Human Rights to all humans “without distinction of any kind” because “recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of ALL members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.”
If you did not know this fact and you are “Pro-Choice,” this fact alone should make you re-think your position for the sake of all humanity. If you did not know this fact, or any of the other “Top 6” facts, then your “Pro-Choice” position is based on ignorance and lack of knowledge of the most pertinent facts. So unless you are selfish and/or evil, you likely never would have been silly enough to choose a Pro-Choice position in the Human Rights for All Humans Debate (the Abortion Debate) IF you had first at least known the “Top 6 Facts” of Human Rights History which prove Pro-Life=Pro-Democracy. So, for the sake of all humanity you need to get a solid Human Rights Education and choose an EDUCATED “Pro-Human-Right-to-Live” or “Pro-Life” position.
These “Top 6” facts alone (there are many more in William Baptiste's books) prove far beyond reasonable doubt that “Pro-Choice Abortion” philosophy with its “right-to-kill-humans” has since ancient times been the enemy of Human Rights and Freedoms; has already eliminated everyone’s legally recognized Inherent Human Right to Live; and is currently destroying genuine democracy through “Pro-Choice” “Creeping Totalitarian” policies restricting freedom of speech and expression; restricting freedom of conscience and assembly and religion and other freedoms all specifically to ensure completely unimpeded “abortion access” at the high cost of Human Rights and Democratic Freedoms. The inescapable conclusion: Pro-Life = Pro-Democracy. This conclusion based on the above Human Rights history is also supported by Biological Science and the Formal Science of Logic, as also elaborated in William Baptiste's books.
Legally devalued Black humans by the tens of thousands died tightly chained together in their own waste on slave ships before they even got the chance to be slaves, just as legally devalued Jewish humans were killed in the millions in Nazi Death Camps and just as legally devalued preborn humans are today killed in the millions in abortion clinics. The original Abolitionists called for the Abolition of Legal Slavery for the sake of equal human rights for all humans which is the foundation of Democracy. “Pro-Lifers” are literally the New Abolitionists, calling for the Abolition of Legal Abortion because they are championing precisely the same Foundational Principle of Human Rights and Democracy that every human without exception – whether Black, Jewish, or preborn – has Equal Human Rights.
William Baptiste Human Rights & Freedoms Forever!
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