To prevent poor, illogical, uneducated thinking among the population making a democracy slip gradually towards becoming a totalitarian “Police State,” and
to protect the private individual freedoms of all citizens, Lasting Democracy requires that democratic governments and their politicians and political parties and police be sworn to uphold the constitutionally-enshrined Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy as the guide of public policy, so that government public policies and laws (and police enforcement of them) are always accountable to them and never undermine the foundations of Free Democracy (no matter what uneducated, stupid, senseless or dangerous ideas and opinions may be held by some, even many, individual citizens as they exercise their individual private freedom of belief which is guaranteed only by educated and genuinely democratic public policies and laws).
This individual human Freedom of Belief/Thought/Religion/Speech articulated in FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLE OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY #2 is itself built upon FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLE OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY #1, equal human preciousness without exception and the Inherent Human Right to Live which governments are obligated to protect, which means that publicly enforcing privately-held beliefs (such as Pro-Choice beliefs) contrary to the equal human preciousness which grounds individual freedom of belief in the first place is logically self-destructive to lasting human freedom and democracy. There is a grave potential danger of individual citizens in a Free Society freely holding or expressing uneducated or unintelligent, dangerous, or anti-democratic opinions which gradually undermine Free Society. This danger is especially present if, as so often today, citizens were never educated in The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy, such that uneducated and anti-human, ultimately anti-democratic opinions took root instead (like Neo-Nazi opinions or Pro-Choice legal abortion opinions which follow totalitarian Soviet and Nazi precedent). But this danger to Democracy is greatly reduced as long as the government and its agents are held constitutionally accountable to set actual public policy only according to The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy like equal human preciousness which is the actual foundation of individual freedom of thought (which is why individual freedom of thought cannot compromise equal human preciousness without ultimately damaging freedom of thought/religion/speech as well). Freedom of Belief/Thought/Religion is then both a privilege and a responsibility to think with intellectual honesty and logical clarity, taking care to avoid bad/illogical thinkingand taking care to maintain The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy, because one’s democratic Freedoms of Thought and Speech themselves can only last upon their foundation of equal human preciousness without exception maintained with intellectual honesty and logical discipline.
Thus, while free democracies indeed include individual Freedom of Belief/ Thought/ Religion/ Speech/ Expression, such that Freedom of Belief does technically mean that individual citizens of a Free Democracy have the personal, private freedom to hold even stupid, uneducated and dangerous opinions (like Pro-Choice Abortion which comes from an anti-democratic, totalitarian-oriented and illogical human-killing mindset which is not mindful of avoiding intellectually dishonest logical fallacies), to stay Free, Free Society must not give such objectively inferior and uneducated opinions expression in public policy. Public policy must rather be always guided by The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy which are informed by established facts of the disciplines of History, Science and Logic.
Further Reflection: The great irony is that current Western Society has this exactly backwards: Today we are told that the Pro-Life Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy may be “privately believed at home or in church” but “have no place in the public sphere” and “must not influence public policy” because they are rooted in Biblical, Judeo-Christian religious beliefs like the equal human preciousness of every human, “male and female” without exception made “in the Image of God” (Genesis 1:27 in the very first chapter and page of the Bible) and like the Free Will God gave to humanity (which means people should have religious freedom to choose whether or not to become Christians, because becoming a Christian must be a free act of love for God). But officially “Pro-Choice” political parties in power today can and are passing laws and policies in the public sphere to encourage and even aggressively enforce uneducated Pro-Choice legal human-killing abortion opinions (ignorantly following totalitarian Soviet and Nazi precedent) among a population completely uneducated in Human Rights History, Science, and Logic (which is why under current laws this author can be arrested and jailed in some provinces in his country just for saying “killing humans is wrong because Human Rights are for all Humans” or even just for “staring” at an abortion clinic in his national capital, which the local police told local Pro-Life Human Rights advocates would be taken as a sign of the “disapproval of abortion” that is now illegal to show anywhere within up to 150 meters (500 feet) of a legal human-killing abortion facility, precisely where such Human Rights Advocacy is most pertinent).
Lasting Democracy requires that the police who enforce the laws and policies (and the politicians and parties who make them) must all be held accountable to The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy - and that police are not strictly accountable to unthinkingly enforce the State government’s policies whatever they are, as in any totalitarian “Police State.” For example, it is democratically unacceptable that the police in this author’s national capital, even after receiving from this author a scholarly handout describing this Core Principle of LASTING Democracy, believed that they had “no choice” but to unthinkingly and without complaint enforce new totalitarian laws against Freedom of Assembly, Speech and Expression of (democracy-grounding) Pro-Life views, and actually told peaceful Pro-Life Human Rights Advocates that they could be arrested just for being “known Pro-Lifers” near an abortion clinic or for “staring” at an abortion clinic, and the police in the national capital in fact arrested peaceful, elderly Pro-Lifers just for holding signs reading “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND RELIGION. NO CENSORSHIP,” “GOD SAVE OUR CHARTER RIGHTS,” and “THE PRIMACY OF FREE SPEECH: CORNERSTONE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION.” This author gave a eulogy at the funeral of one of these elderly Human Rights for All Humans Advocates who died while awaiting unjust trial weeks after his arrest for upholding Free Speech in a supposed democracy! Police and politicians both should be so sworn to uphold The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy that uneducated politicians never put the police into such democratically unacceptable situations where police have to choose between their obligation to “protect and serve the public” and their obligation to enforce the policies of politicians who pay them.
The “seedy underbelly” of a Free Society only because of The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy is technically “free” to be stupid, uneducated and addicted in their private life, if they foolishly use the freedom that The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy give them to remain uneducated and addicted (to drugs or to sex and pornography, which more and more scientific studies are identifying as fundamentally addictive in their character when sex is pursued without mature responsibility and without reference to the scientific, biological purpose of sex – reproduction of the human species).
A certain amount of immature, irresponsible and uneducated behavior – such as sexual promiscuity which treats sex partners as objects to be used for pleasure instead of treating them as precious human persons and life-partners – may be tolerated within the “seedy underbelly” of a Free Society just because individual human maturity cannot be “forced;” but to stay Free, Free Society must not give such objectively inferior and uneducated opinions and immature practices expression in public policy. Public policy must rather be always guided by The Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy which are informed by established facts of the disciplines of History, Science and Logic.
Today we are told that the Pro-Life Foundational Principles of Human Rights and Democracy may be “privately believed at home or in church” but “have no place in the public sphere” and “must not influence public policy” because they are rooted in Biblical, Judeo-Christian religious beliefs like the equal human preciousness of every human, “male and female” without exception made “in the Image of God” (Genesis 1:27 in the very first chapter of the Bible) and like the Free Will God gave to humanity (which means people should have religious freedom to choose whether or not to become Christians, because becoming a Christian must be a free act of love for God).
But officially “Pro-Choice” political parties in power today can and are passing laws and policies in the public sphere to encourage and even aggressively enforce uneducated Pro-Choice legal human-killing abortion opinions (ignorantly following totalitarian Soviet and Nazi precedent) among a population completely uneducated in Human Rights History, Science, and Logic.
William Baptiste Human Rights & Freedoms Forever!
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